Metal structure change

The principle of modification of material structure does not apply only to water, but also to solid material.
The RNP Reactors utilize principles that come from NIKOLA TESLA.
Precise choice of frequencies generated by reactions in our reactors that affect the materials in the vacuum chamber, arrange the structure of molecules, penetrating depth of up to 10 mm.
Parameters of materials processed in our reactor are much higher, they draw near the theoretical critical values defined for this material. These values are practically impossible to achieve in classical industrial processes. Our process also dissolves the tension inside the material which was caused by preceding treatment.
This unique method makes possible modelling of various structures of hard materials (steel, metal alloys, ceramics, and diamonds).
The modification of structure of materials radically changes the characteristics of already finished products, and it can be considered a revolutionary solution in subject fields, such as those that deal with manufacturing of automobile parts, aircrafts, tools and a whole number of other products, which due to attrition or collision with other materials are subject to gradual detrition and degradation. Our modifications significantly extend the lifespan of parts and final products. There are no visible changes on the surface.
There is an interesting fact that the technology for modification of metals and alloys is similar to that of water modification.